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54 Years old
0.00 miles away.
Views: 11 times

Last logged in on 10/28/07 03:35
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     nightmare's Details
Zodiac Sign:capricorn

     nightmare's Interests
Interests:music and the human been
Movies:irreversivel , quadro negro , a ninhada , alien 1 e 2 , exorcista 1 e 2 , clement , a revolta dos porcos , farenheit 451 , luna park , repulsa , the day after , andromeda syndrome , das experiment , mad max , conan - the future boy , if... , happiness and others
Books:margaritta e o mestre (mikhail bulgakov) , metamorfose (franz kafka) , 1984 (george orwell) , admiravel mundo novo (aldous huxley) , escuta ze ninguem (wilhelm reich) , elogio da loucura (erasmus ) , siddhartha (hermann hesse) e outros
Heroes:those who fight against stupidity and ignorance

     Recent Profile Views

PNG, Man, 54y
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chrisjust, Man, 62y
Dec. 17th 02:05 AM
megaoito, Man, 61y
Oct. 9th 07:29 AM
kate, Woman, 66y
Feb. 3rd 04:00 PM

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   nightmare's Music
current 93 , death in june , butthole surfers , dead kennedys , anne clark , einstuerzende neubauten , talk talk , zeca afonso , der blutharsch , doom , joy division , laurie anderson , lydia lunch , ministry , revolting cocks , ordo equitum solis , princess tiny meat , towering inferno , cinema strange , sodom , cassandra complex , anna homler , hedningarna , propaganda , suicide , cocteau twins , this mortal coil , daniel johnston , dead can dance , boyd rice , type non , caes de cristo , elijah's mantle , crass , nox , kate bush , the legendary pink dots , el gritante , jota , the klinik , allerseelen , front 242 , broto verbo , and also the trees , blok 57 , raison d'être , clair obscur , collection d'arnell-andrea , the vyllies , sex gang children , phillip boa and the voodoo club , sleeping dogs awake , swans , test dept. , orquestral manouvers in the dark , love and rockets , legion 88 , sore throat , disharmonic orchestra , wolfgang press , bourbonese qualk , mucky pup , carlos paredes , frontline assembly , loreena mckennitt , f.p.a.c. , protector , anna palm , dasarthau , calva y nada , godflesh , sisters of mercy , birthday party , crime and the city solution , pimentola and others

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Date 10/12/07 01:18


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